North Carolina Department of Instruction (NCDPI) - Polaris 2.0

Operation Polaris 2.0 is a four-year strategic vision aimed at improving outcomes for all North Carolina students. The new and enhanced image below represents Operation Polaris 2.0, and highlights core focus areas for the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI). These core areas serve as the priorities for the agency as they are critical to achieving the North Star: that every student deserves a highly qualified, excellent teacher in every classroom.


As our economy grows, the vast majority of new jobs require more than a high school diploma—something that less than half of North Carolinians ages 25-44, and even fewer from economically disadvantaged backgrounds, currently have.

Together, we can set our state


The way forward.

  • Engage local, regional, and statewide stakeholders to communicate the need for greater attainment and eliminate the gap between the skills employers require and the education and training available throughout the state

  • Better align and coordinate systems to support students at all levels, from pre-K education on up through high-quality certificate, associate, and higher-degree programs

  • Catalyze innovative, effective ideas, and identify best practices that can be applied from the mountains to the coast, in our cities, towns, and rural areas

  • Monitor progress and improve our efforts each and every year

American Succeeds: Durable Skills

America Succeeds is a 501(c)(3) non-profit education advocacy organization committed to improving educational opportunities, outcomes, and equity by harnessing the influence and acumen of the business community in accelerating systems change. (They) believe the purpose of schools today is to ensure students can think critically and creatively, collaborate effectively with others, apply skills and knowledge to solving real problems, and find meaningful, fulfilling ways to contribute to the world and their community. America Succeeds is connecting the Durable Skills employers are demanding with how students are being prepared in classrooms.

Durable Skills by America Succeeds hopes to:

  • Develop a unified vision of college and career readiness for all students that incorporates Durable Skills.
  • Identify metrics that can be used to determine student acquisition of Durable Skills.
  • Collect, connect, and report on how well students are progressing toward being ready for success after high school.